Dimas obtained his master’s degree at Gajah Mada University with his concentration of Fiducia with his thesis "Legal Review of the Distinction of Fiducia Four Wheel-Motor Vehicle Warranty Object in the Abuse and Trafficking of Narcotics" and he is the co-founder of our firm. Besides being a well-respected litigator, he is also known as a staunch opponent of corruption. Dimas focuses his practice on criminal, civil, land dispute, asset disputes, bankruptcy, and settlement on receivables matters. He joined the Indonesian Advocate Work Committee (KKAI) and Indonesian Advocates/Lawyers Bar Association (HAPI).
In the past, Dimas was intimately involved as a Staff of the Governor of Bangka Belitung for Politics, Law, and Government. His proficiency in communication, negotiation and mediation, lead him to served as a litigator for PT Magna Finance and also PT Nissan Financial ServicesIndonesia.
Dimas is also one of the founders of Lembaga Bantuan
Hukum Masyarakat Adil Bersatu or briefly referred to
‘LBH Mabes’ (The Legal Aid Institution of Masyarakat
Adil Bersatu) LBH Mabes constitutes an institution that
capable to deal with varied legal issues prevalent in
Indonesian society, as it constantly providing legal aid
to the underprivileged.